On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 10:14 PM Robert Engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com>

> Here is a simple test that demonstrates the dynamics
> https://play.golang.org/p/6SZcxCEAfFp (cannot run in playground)
> Notice that the call that uses an over allocated number of routines takes
> 5x longer wall time than the properly sized one - this is due to scheduling
> and contention on the underlying structures. So blindly creating go
> routines does not achieve optimum performance for many workloads (even when
> the number of OS threads is capped).
> rengels@rengels:~/gotest$ go run main_bench.go
> 2.261805812s
> 1.311269725s
> 6.341378965s
Yes, this is unsurprising since the problem in the program is parallel.

In a typical concurrent problem, most work is sitting and waiting for some
event to happen and those events are usually measured in several
milliseconds. For those problems, the switching cost is very low given the
other benefits you gain. The key property there is rarely about speed, but
about description of the problem to the machine.

Go definitely leans toward concurrent problems. If you want to target
parallel problems, you have other options which are better, depending on
factors of distribution, GPU availability, etc.


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