I'm pleased to announce SFTPGo 0.9.5.

SFTPGo is a free and open source full featured and highly configurable SFTP 
server. It works on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Here are the main new features compared to 0.9.4 version:

- Support for Git repositories over SSH.
- Support for rsync over SSH.
- Backup and restore via REST API. You can now easily backup your users, in 
a database independent format, and switch between the supported data 
- Scripts to import Linux system users and Pure-FTPd/ProFTPD virtual users 
- Per user IP filters: login can be restricted to specific ranges of IP 
addresses or to a specific IP address
- Custom authentication using external programs.
- Per directory permissions. You can now set permissions such as these ones:

{'/': ['*'], '/somedir': ['list', 'download']}

If you upgrading from a previous version please apply the appropriate SQL 
upgrade script for your database before starting the 0.9.5 version.

You can find the full list of features and the documentation on the project 


Binary releases for Linux, macOS and Windows are available:


If you want to suggest a new feature or you find a bug please open an issue 


Yours sincerely,

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