Hi All,

Good Afternoon.

My name is Kareem. 

I recently started learning GO on my own.

I am going through the book "INTRODUCTION TO GO" from RIELY.

I wrote a program to convert Degrees to Fahrenheit. It is as follows:

*package main*
*import "fmt"*

*func main () {*

*  fmt.Println("Enter the degrees to convert into farenhiet: ")*
*  var Degrees float64*
*  fmt.Scanf("%f", &Degrees)*
*  var farenhiet float64*
*  farenhiet = ((Degrees*9)/5) + 32*
*  fmt.Println("&Degrees Degrees to Farenhiet is = ", Degrees, farenhiet)*


In th last statement "* fmt.Println("&Degrees Degrees to Farenhiet is = ", 
Degrees, farenhiet)" *I wanted to print the value of the degrees and then 
the result.

I am struggling with this. 

Can anyone please tell me what should I change in order to get the right 

For example:

I want to change 10 degrees to Fahrenheit.
I want to print "10 degrees to Fahrenheit is = 50"

Please help me with the code to print the exact line that I want.
I understand I can write the same statement as above but what I want 
exactly is that we never know what number(degrees) we input.
So please help me modify the code as per my requirement.

PS: Please help me with any books to read after the above mentioned book. 

Thank You. 

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