Hi Folks, I'm having some trouble instantiating a C struct from a 3rd party 

I'm not sure if this is more a C question or a Go question, details in the 
code below, any help would be much appreciated!


// This non-compiling example demonstrates an issue I'm having integrating 
a 3rd party C api with my Go code
// The comment preceding 'import "C"' constitutes C code which is 
interpreted as a header when compiling.  
// 'api_struct' represents the 3rd party struct I'm attempting to 
instantiate and populate in my Go Code
//    we cannot make changes to this struct 
// other c functions in the comment are helper functions I've written to 
instantiate certain C types

// The go code defines an array of strings and an array of ints. For each 
of these arrays a helper
// function is called to create a C array of the C equivalent type before 
populating that array.
// Once C arrays have been populated they are assigned to fields in the a 
new api_struct.

// This method works fine for the string array, but compile fails when we 
get to the int array
// This is because makeIntArray returns *_Ctype_int but api_struct.rLimits 
expects [12]_Ctype_int. Here's the error...
// cannot use cInts (type *_Ctype_int) as type [12]_Ctype_int in field value

// I'd like to modify makeIntArray to return a [12]_Ctype_int but I can't 
seem to find the right syntax to achieve this
package main

#define  ARRLEN 12
#include <stdlib.h>

struct api_struct {
char    **askedHosts;
int     rLimits[ARRLEN];

static char**makeCharArray(int size) {
        return calloc(sizeof(char*), size);

static void setArrayString(char **a, char *s, int n) {
        a[n] = s;

static void freeCharArray(char **a, int size) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

static int*makeIntArray() {
        int* p = malloc(sizeof(p) * ARRLEN);
        return p;

static void setArrayInt(int *a, int s, int n) {
        a[n] = s;

static void freeIntArray(int *a, int size) {

import "C"
import "fmt"

func main() {
goHosts := []string{"host1", "host2", "host3"}
cHosts := C.makeCharArray(C.int(len(goHosts)))
        for i, s := range goHosts {
                C.setArrayString(cHosts, C.CString(s), C.int(i))

goLimits := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}
cInts := C.makeIntArray()
        for i, s := range goLimits {
                C.setArrayInt(cInts, C.int(s), C.int(i))

s := C.struct_api_struct{
askedHosts: cHosts,
rLimits: cInts,
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", s)

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