If I've got a structure like this:

type jsonData struct {
    FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
    LastName  string `json:"last_name"`

I can marshal / unmarshal JSON as:
  "first_name": "first",
  "last_name": "last"

What if my input JSON is this:
  "first_name": "first",
  "last_name": "last",
  "favorite_color": "orange",
  "age": 92

Is there an existing library to have a structure that's something like this:

type jsonData struct {
    FirstName string                 `json:"first_name"`
    LastName  string                 `json:"last_name"`
    Extras    map[string]interface{} `json:",extras"`

Such that a JSON unmarshal and marshal will preserve the data of the 
original JSON?

I think I can probably make something work with the standard library, 
except that it will require extra marshaling / unmarshaling steps that will 
be annoying to reproduce for each structure that needs to capture extra 
data. So I'm hoping there's a better solution?


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