On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 3:51:54 PM UTC+1, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
> Op woensdag 26 februari 2020 13:05:40 UTC+1 schreef Manlio Perillo:
>> On Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 12:33:05 PM UTC+1, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
>>> With Go version 1.14 I get a lot of errors when I run:
>>>     go test -v github.com/pebbe/zmq4
>>> I didn't see this with Go 1.13.8 or any earlier version.
>>> Is this a problem with Go 1.14, or am I doing something wrong and just 
>>> got lucky until now?
>>> How do I debug this? The errors are different for each run. Below is a 
>>> sample of some errors.
>>> Line numbers are not always accurate, because I inserted some calls to 
>>> test.Log().
>> The errors are probably caused by https://golang.org/doc/go1.14#runtime.
>> The solution is to update zmq4  to explicitly handle interrupted system 
>> calls.
> Often the program freezes before I get an interrupted system call. It 
> hangs inside a ZeroMQ C++ library function.
> zmq4 is just a wrapper for ZeroMQ. I can't "fix" ZeroMQ to make it work 
> with Go.
> Is there a way to stop Go from interrupting my system calls? It happens 
> rather randomly all over the place.


ZeroMQ may return an EINTR error , but zmq4 does not list it in errors.go.
ZeroMQ asks the caller to handle EINTR, so zmq4 should handle it internally 
or return it to the caller.

https://golang.org/doc/go1.14#runtime should have mentioned that not only 
programs that use packages like syscall <https://golang.org/pkg/syscall/> 
or golang.org/x/sys/unix <https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/sys/unix> will see 
more slow system calls fail with EINTR errors, but also programs that use 


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