On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 8:06 AM Warren Stephens
<wsteph...@prognoshealth.com> wrote:
> It could made to look more Go-like...
>    internal mystep2(lines, thing2): (mymap, err)

Ian isn't talking about the particular syntax (e.g. punctuation or
keywords). He is talking about the semantics (statements that hide
scope, hidden funcs) being unlike anything else in Go.

Making a language change is a big deal, especially if there's plenty
of existing code out there that uses "with" as a variable name, and
the fact that not everyone upgrades to version N+1 at the same time.

But you don't need a language change (or to wait e.g. 6 months for the
toolchain release a new stable version). See
https://blog.golang.org/generate and

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