On Sat, Mar 7, 2020 at 5:35 AM Kurtis Rader <kra...@skepticism.us> wrote:

> The web site you are accessing thinks you are executing a DDOS attack or
> are otherwise violating their terms of service. This has nothing to do with
> the Go language. You need to rate limit your requests of that site.
To add:

Look up the concept of a circuit breaker and run it in reverse. Rate limit
your requests, and if the site takes too long to respond, or if it returns
a 429 or the like, you should trip the circuit breaker for a while to cool
down. Scraping can put a tremendous load on a web site and it is your duty
as the scraper to be careful. It is especially important in a language like
go, where you can easily make ten thousand requests to a website from a
single program.


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