Also worth adding some unit tests, including one which reproduces your 404 

See for a great video about how 
add these tests.

On Monday, 9 March 2020 14:53:20 UTC, wrote:
> please post the code as text. Either in a github/whatever repo or here, 
> but please, as text and a runnable code.
> I don't see you registering any handler for */register.html*, you have 
> one for */register* only. Also if the method is not POST, you should 
> return *405 Method Not Allowed *instead of 
> *404 Not Found.*
> As tip, use the http constants such as http.MethodPost. See them here: 
> Best,
> Anderson
> On Sunday, 8 March 2020 16:19:20 UTC+1, Ali Hassan wrote:
>> [image: goSnippet.JPG][image: firefox.JPG]
>> [image: xhrSnippet.JPG]
>> [image: htmlSnippnet.JPG]Browser Error 404   please help me resolve this 
>> error. I think this is because of html page but when try this 
>> /register.html then whole page display on my console. I will exchange my 
>> data 
>> [image: buttonSnippnet.JPG]

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