On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 7:10 PM Shane H <shane....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a lot confused by the behaviour of some tests I have at the moment, 
> they're skipping.. when there's no skip or timeout or... anything that I can 
> see
> I know this is going to be difficult because I don't have code I can paste to 
> show what's happening
> I'm using go1.13.9, but this behaviour was also happening with go1.13.7
> I have tests run from a script with
> go test ./... -v -count=1 // Note count=1 was added to try and stop the 
> behaviour
> The tests that I am interested are table tests run inside
> for _, testCase := range tt {
>     testCase := testCase
>     t,Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
>         res, err := http.DefaultClientDo(testCase.before(t))
>         require.NoError(t, err)
>         defer res.Body.Close()
>         testCase.check(t, res)
>     }
> }
> When I set two of the tests to time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 1000) the tests 
> should fail
> Sometimes they do, but sometimes they instead Skip, or even report that they 
> were run, passed, with an updated time (they shouldn't pass)
> Can someone point me in the direction of some helpful (perhaps) documentation 
> if that's what I need to read?

What do you mean when you say that the tests are skipped?  What is the
output of your "go test" command?

Can you show us a small complete test case that demonstrates the problem?


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