I let you consider an example:

s := make([]*T, 100)
s1, s2, s3 := s[:50], s[50:], s[:]
(.... x lines of code)
s1 = s1[:5]

Would you like the GC to free the elements past the last s1 slice len? What 
if s2, s3 are still used somewhere...

On Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 7:01:34 PM UTC+1, robfig wrote:
> I see, thank you.
> RE reducing the capacity, I want to distinguish freeing the memory (1) 
> used for the slice and (2) referred to by the slice elements. I can easily 
> see that freeing (1) is hard and not so beneficial, but I can't see why (2) 
> would be difficult, and the benefit seems potentially much larger. In our 
> case, each slice element has a handle to a sizable []byte, so that's why I 
> was interested to know if they would remain live. 
> As an aside, (1) was addressed by Ian here:
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/sVhjhiYLXNg/YNZ_H-JsBAAJ

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