Hello Ian,

Thank you again for your reply!
I thought Go would compile all the C files in one .go, that makes sense.

By the way, how Go would deal with those files if cgo is not enabled - 
meaning the internal linker will do the job?
How the internal linker can deal with that?

Le jeudi 30 avril 2020 07:52:03 UTC+4, Ian Lance Taylor a écrit :
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 10:49 PM Vincent Blanchon 
> <blancho...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > I'm building a simple program that has a dependency to 
> github.com/DataDog/zstd, a wrapper of a C code. 
> > So by default, Go will use the external linker. When debugging with, I 
> can see 
> > 
> > host link: "clang" "-m64" "-Wl,-headerpad,1144" "-Wl,-no_pie" 
> "-Wl,-pagezero_size,4000000" "-o" 
> "/var/folders/bb/w1lgkjdx47qd7695hb5r400h0000gn/T/go-build122622791/b001/exe/a.out"
> "-Qunused-arguments" 
> "/var/folders/bb/w1lgkjdx47qd7695hb5r400h0000gn/T/go-link-023224426/go.o" 
> "/var/folders/bb/w1lgkjdx47qd7695hb5r400h0000gn/T/go-link-023224426/000000.o" 
> [...] 
> "/var/folders/bb/w1lgkjdx47qd7695hb5r400h0000gn/T/go-link-023224426/000053.o" 
> "/var/folders/bb/w1lgkjdx47qd7695hb5r400h0000gn/T/go-link-023224426/000054.o" 
> "/var/folders/bb/w1lgkjdx47qd7695hb5r400h0000gn/T/go-link-023224426/000055.o" 
> "-g" "-O2" "-g" "-O2" "-g" "-O2" "-lpthread" "-g" "-O2" "-framework" 
> "CoreFoundation" "-framework" "Security" "-no-pie" 
> > 
> > It links 55 files, from 000000.o to 000055.oIf I had more custom debug, 
> I can see than those files are mostly duplication: 
> > 
> > 000004.o is 
> /path/to/go-build/67/678a3a394ba4feae32a2ddb829ea65c1cf24be64248dcbcc3dae709b8e3b826d-d
> github.com/DataDog/zstd 
> /path/to/go-build/67/678a3a394ba4feae32a2ddb829ea65c1cf24be64248dcbcc3dae709b8e3b826d-d(_x005.o)
> > 000005.o is 
> /path/to/go-build/67/678a3a394ba4feae32a2ddb829ea65c1cf24be64248dcbcc3dae709b8e3b826d-d
> github.com/DataDog/zstd 
> /path/to/go-build/67/678a3a394ba4feae32a2ddb829ea65c1cf24be64248dcbcc3dae709b8e3b826d-d(_x006.o)
> > 
> > I can see 40 times this zstd package among the 55 files. Is it expected? 
> What is the difference between them? 
> > 
> > Also, what would happen to the non known cgo packages (not net, os/user 
> or runtime/cgo) if cgo is not enabled? How the internal linker will manage 
> this cgo package? 
> I may be missing something, but that doesn't look like duplication to 
> me.  It looks like different files from an archive.  The first one is 
> _x005.o and the second one is _x006.o. 
> You will get files like these for each .c file in a package that uses cgo. 
> Ian 

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