I'm following a simple example 
<https://www.thegoldfish.org/2019/04/using-c-libraries-from-go/> of using 
cgo to call a C library function from go.  Executing the binary gives

error while loading shared libraries: libperson.so: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or director

Here's the relevant part from the main.go file:

#cgo LDFLAGS: -L. -lperson
#include "person.h"
import "C"

The file libperson.so is right in the same directory with main.go and 
person.h.  I've also created a soft link libperson.so.0 -> libperson.so but 
that doesn't have any effect.  I've tried this with go run and by go build 
to create a binary but both give the same error.

Does cgo recognize the LDFLAGS: -L. symbol at all?

What do I need to do to get a go binary to call a C function in a .so?  I 
really don't want to put my .so in the /usr/lib directory just to get a 
static linked binary for something like this.

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