This is the closest I get, I am out of ideas. Don't know why it runs but 
doesn't update the string.

go run .
test [116 101 115 116 0 0 0 0 0 0] 4 0 0

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int hello(char *s) {
 char c[80];
 strcpy (c, s);
 sprintf(s, "hello %s", c);
 return 0;

#include "textflag.h"

TEXT ·hello_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0
 JMP hello_c(SB)

package main

import (


//go:linkname hello_t hello_c
//go:cgo_import_dynamic hello_c hello "./c/hello.dylib"

func hello_t(s unsafe.Pointer) (uintptr, uintptr, unix.Errno) {
 return unix.Syscall(funcPC(hello_trampoline), uintptr(s), 0, 0)

func hello_trampoline()

func funcPC(f func()) uintptr {
 return **(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&f))

func main() {
 b := make([]byte, 10, 10)
 copy(b, []byte("test"))
 r1, r2, err := hello_t(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
 fmt.Printf("%s %v %d %d %d\n", b, b, r1, r2, err)

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