On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 8:39 PM Justin Israel <justinisr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 5:19 PM Justin Israel <justinisr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've been working to track this down for 2 days now and I'm just taking a 
>> long shot to see if anyone might have a new idea for me.
>> My cgo-based bindings library seems to have unbounded RSS memory growth, 
>> which I have been able to reduce to the smallest benchmark test and even 
>> pinpoint the exact call, but the reason behind it still eludes me.
>> The context is that I have a struct in C++ that will store a const char* for 
>> the last exception that was thrown, as a strdup() copy which gets cleaned up 
>> properly each time.
>> typedef struct _HandleContext {
>>     HandleId handle;
>>     const char* last_error;
>> } _HandleContext;
>> const char* getLastError(_HandleContext* ctx);
>> On the Go side, I have a function for lastError() to return the last error 
>> value
>> func (c *Config) lastError() error {
>>     err := C.getLastError(c.ptr)
>>     if err == nil {
>>         return nil
>>     }
>>     e := C.GoString(err)
>>     if e == "" {
>>         return nil
>>     }
>>     runtime.KeepAlive(c)
>>     // return nil  // <- would result in no memory growth
>>     return errors.New(e)  // <- results in memory growth
>> }
>> What I am seeing in my benchmark test is that the RSS grows something like 
>> 20MB a second, yet the GODEBUG=gctrace=1 and the pprof memory profile don't 
>> reflect this memory usage at all, aside from showing a hotspot (in pprof) 
>> being the GoString() call:
>> gc 4 @4.039s 0%: 0.006+0.14+0.003 ms clock, 0.024+0.10/0.039/0.070+0.014 ms 
>> cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 4 P
>> gc 5 @6.857s 0%: 0.003+0.20+0.004 ms clock, 0.015+0.069/0.025/0.15+0.016 ms 
>> cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 4 P
>> ...
>> gc 26 @69.498s 0%: 0.005+0.12+0.003 ms clock, 0.021+0.10/0.044/0.093+0.014 
>> ms cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 4 P
>> // 800MB RSS usage
>> gc 27 @71.824s 0%: 0.006+2.2+0.003 ms clock, 0.025+0.063/0.058/0.11+0.014 ms 
>> cpu, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 4 P
>> (pprof) top10
>> Showing nodes accounting for 46083.69kB, 100% of 46083.69kB total
>> Showing top 10 nodes out of 19
>>       flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%
>> 30722.34kB 66.67% 66.67% 30722.34kB 66.67%  <...>._Cfunc_GoStringN (inline)
>>  7168.11kB 15.55% 82.22%  7168.11kB 15.55%  errors.New (inline)
>>  3073.16kB  6.67% 88.89% 46083.69kB   100%  <...>.testLeak
>>  1536.02kB  3.33% 92.22%  1536.02kB  3.33%  
>> <...>.(*DisplayTransform).SetInputColorSpace.func1
>>  1024.02kB  2.22% 94.44%  1024.02kB  2.22%  <...>.(*Config).NumViews.func1
>>  1024.02kB  2.22% 96.67%  1024.02kB  2.22%  <...>.(*Config).View.func1
>>   512.01kB  1.11% 97.78%   512.01kB  1.11%  
>> <...>.(*DisplayTransform).SetView.func1
>>   512.01kB  1.11% 98.89%   512.01kB  1.11%  <...>._Cfunc_GoString (inline)
>>   512.01kB  1.11%   100%   512.01kB  1.11%  <...>.newProcessor (inline)
>>          0     0%   100%   512.01kB  1.11%  
>> <...>.(*Config).ColorSpaceNameByIndex
>> Regardless of whether I ignore the error return value in my test, it grows. 
>> If I return nil instead of errors.New(e), it will stay around 20MB RSS.
>> I MUST be doing something stupid, but I can't see any reason for the memory 
>> growth based on returning this string wrapped in an error. At first I 
>> thought I was leaking in C/C++ but it a led to this one factor on the Go 
>> side. Any tips would help greatly, since I have tried debug GC output, pprof 
>> reports, valgrind, address sanitizer, and refactoring the entire memory 
>> management of my C bindings layer.
>> Justin
> Well I seem to have resolved the leak, which was due to a poor assumption on 
> my part about the frequency of finalizer execution and being tied to a GC 
> cycle. Are finalizers executed on every GC cycle, or are they maybe executed 
> on a GC cycle but not sooner than?
> My library creates finalizers to ensure C memory is freed at some point, but 
> I also have Destroy() methods to immediately free them (and clear 
> finalizers). So I think it was a combination of the test not generating 
> enough Go garbage to clean up the more significant C memory, and not being 
> explicit enough with Destroy calls. I look to have also had a situation where 
> I wasn't cleaning up C strings as fast as I could have been, so that also 
> helps to clear them more quickly before a Destroy or a finalizer runs.
> As much as I thought I knew about the caveats of finalizers and using them to 
> release C resources, I still likely made faulty assumptions.

Finalizers are strictly best effort.

Also, if a Go memory object has a finalizer that frees a C memory
object, it's important to note that the Go garbage collector will be
basing decisions only on the amount of memory used by the Go object,
and will not consider the amount of memory used by a C object.  It's
easy for small Go objects to be associated with large C objects, and
for the Go garbage collector to decide that there is no need to do
anything because not much Go memory is in use, even while an enormous
amount of C memory is being kept alive.


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