On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 7:33 PM Trig <edb1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I posted this question the other day and don't see it (may have posted from 
> another gmail account and it's still pending approval)... so here I am again.
> Let's say I have something like below:
> type (
>    Person struct {
>       FirstName *string
>    }
> )
> Usually, I see something like the following when assigning:
> fn := "John"
> _ = Person{
>   FirstName: &fn,
> }
> Would something like the following be alright and acceptable practice:
> _ = Person{
>   FirstName: pString("John")
> }
> func pString(content string) *string {
>    return &content
> }

Sure, that's fine.


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