On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 12:04 PM Diego Augusto Molina
<diegoaugustomol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very often I use the stringer command to generate lists of enumerated values, 
> which is great btw.
> But one thing that I see myself also writing after this is a Parse method or 
> function to validate strings that are received.
> The use case is that I have a list of possible values for a controlled field 
> in a RESTful API. I receive and deliver string values from the API by I have 
> a tight control inside the API itself.
> I declare a new type (generally an uint8 alias) and then declare a bunch of 
> auto incremental constants, starting with the zero value that I always set to 
> "Invalid" which is used as a control value.
> The stringer command makes the dull work but immediately after I write a 
> Parse function or method. The following is a full example:
> //go:generate stringer -linecomment -output=enum_string.go -type=MyEnum
> package enum
> type MyEnum uint8
> const (
>     // Reserved for internal use
>     MyEnumInvalid MyEnum = iota // Invalid
>     MyEnumValue1 // Value #1
>     MyEnumValue2 // Value #2
>     MyEnumValue3 // Value #3
>     MyEnumValue4 // Value #4
>     MyEnumValue5 // Value #5
> )
> func (e *MyEnum) Parse(value string) MyEnum {
>     for lenIdx, lenVal, i := len(_MyEnum_index), uint8(len(value)), 1; i < 
> lenIdx; i++ {
>         if _MyEnum_index[i]-_MyEnum_index[i-1] == lenVal && // Maybe too 
> small optimization to be perceptible/useful(?)
>             _MyEnum_name[_MyEnum_index[i-1]:_MyEnum_index[i]] == value {
>             *e = MyEnum(i - 1)
>             return *e
>         }
>     }
>     return MyEnum(0)
> }
> So this couples a lot to my workflow, of course. This way I can do something 
> like:
> receivedVal = new(MyEnum).Parse(receivedStr)
> Or:
> var val *MyEnum
> for _, strVal := range strValues {
>     if val.Parse(strVal) == MyEnumInvalid {
>         return fmt.Errorf("Invalid value for enum: %v", strVal)
>     }
> }
> So I started to write this function within the stringer command, which I 
> modified to do so. So I don't know if this is for some use to the community. 
> I know that in order for it to be useful to everyone it should be more 
> general. So I'm looking at alternatives and, of course, if it's worth working 
> on that. I it would be of some use there are two alternatives where this 
> could live:
> As an option to the stringer command
> As a separate command (because it would exceed the stringer interface and 
> would be misleading, since "Parse" is not part of the "Stringer" interface)
> And I'm only using here the stringer command to create series of consecutive 
> numbers, so I would need to write extra code to fulfill the sparsiness of 
> values (cases where stringer creates up to 10 different slices and after that 
> just creates a map). It wouldn't be much work, actually, just read the code 
> in the command.
> And instead of writing a new method for the type (breaking the idea of the 
> "stringer" interface), I thought it could just be a "ParseT" function.
> Thoughts? Comments? Should I keep it for myself (hahaha)?

There are many different possible enhancements that can be made to
stringer.  We've decided to keep the tool simple rather than add
additional knobs.  Thanks.

I encourage you to make your tool available for anybody who wants to use it.


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