> Currently the compiler does not do the kind of optimization you 
> describe.  A function is compiled once, and computes all of its 
> results.  The caller receives all the results, and ignores ones that 
> it does not need. 

yes, i suppose the code generation route might give some insight as to if 
this might be worth it, but you probably have to  code to it and so the 
results wouldn't then clearly differentiate.

> We could implement the general optimization by compiling a function 
> multiple times, for each permutation of the possible results.  

i feel it might not be that bad; you only need the permutations that are 
actually being used and the feeling i have is that a given problem, and so 
a given program, will tend to only use a small selected subset of 

> But I think it's clear that that effort would generally be wasted.  So we 
> would need some way to decide when this optimization would be useful. 
> And note that any effort in this area would tend to go against the 
> overall goal of fast compilation time. 

given above is correct you could probably just limit the number.

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