
logging Frameworks like log4j (for java) we can configure log levels for 
specific packages. My go project I am using *logrus* (
https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus) framework for logging. It doesn't 
support direct package level log enable disable support.   I want to know 
few basic things about the  implement logging in my go project. 

1)  Is there any logging framework which directly support that feature 
(package level log enable disable support) ?

2) If I implement that feature using logrus, is it good to create separate 
loggers (var log = logrus.New() ) for each package,  if I create like this 
where should I initiate the logger instance inside the package. (what the 
entry point of the package ) . I am thinking to implement inside of init() 
function. but it is only for the file. not for whole package... and what 
will be the most suitable way.

3) Your suggestion

I know this is a long question, but if you can give your suggestions, It 
will be really appreciated. 

Thank you

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