> that quite hard to read especially at lines 7-12 '__')

It might just be me, but I don't feel anything special... Go does not have 
any other syntax (e.g., macros) that let you use parentheses in type 
definition unless followed immediately by a `func`, and those parentheses 
can not be nested.

> also for lines 18 and 22 if the type is not primitive type (another 
identifier), feels like a function that returns a function

I actually like this kind of feeling. It actually is almost what happening 
- you can consider it as a function returning a function most of the time 
(the only time I can think of that you care about the difference is you 
want to optimize out the function call), but when you really care about the 
difference, you can quickly find out that by noticing float is actually a 

Consider this snippet of code, from the example code in standard library 
`sort` (SortKeys):

    fmt.Println("By name:", planets)

    fmt.Println("By mass:", planets)

    fmt.Println("By distance:", planets)

Here, `By` is actually a type of function - and the seemingly function call 
`By(...)` is actually a type conversion, not a function returning something 
with a `Sort` method.  But I won't say this cause much confusion. I think 
the use of the proposed generic function works in the same way.

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