Hi, I think I spotted a small typo in the draft. In Examples >
Containers we have:
// Find returns the value associated with a key, or zero if not present.
// The bool result reports whether the key was found.
func (m *Map(K, V)) Find(k K) (V, bool) {
        pn := m.find(k)
        if *pn == nil {
                var zero val // see the discussion of zero values, above
                return zero, false
        return (*pn).v, true

Whereas I think it should be:
// Find returns the value associated with a key, or zero if not present.
// The bool result reports whether the key was found.
func (m *Map(K, V)) Find(k K) (V, bool) {
        pn := m.find(k)
        if *pn == nil {
                var zero V // see the discussion of zero values, above
                return zero, false
        return (*pn).v, true

Patch attached.

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