On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 9:46 AM <tobias.l.gustafs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've spent some time lately to try out the go2go tool and the new generics 
> proposal by converting a small hack I did some years ago for immutable data
> structures (https://github.com/tobgu/peds) which, in it's current shape, 
> depends on code generation.
> There is nothing really mind bending to this since it's a pretty mainstream 
> collections case of generics and overall the conversion process was quite 
> pleasant. So, good job on the generics proposal so far!
> I did run up against one issue though that I've not really been able to cope 
> with in an elegant, and decently performant, way so far. That of providing 
> different implementations depending on the underlying type. For my particular 
> case I would like to use differnt hash functions for the map depending on the 
> type of the map key. In addition to this I would also like the user of the 
> library to be able to provide their own hash function, should they want to, 
> by implementing a Hasher interface.
> I've provided some example code to illustrate what I would like to be able to 
> do here: https://go2goplay.golang.org/p/HQcSZj_nfaF
> I've read the discussion in the draft on the limitations related to this here:
> https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/refs/heads/master/design/go2draft-type-parameters.md#identifying-the-matched-predeclared-type
> But from that it's not entirly clear to me if:
> - This is a fix limitation that has been set to prevent bad design, 
> unintended behaviour (compile time turing completness, language 
> inconsistencies, etc.) or if it's a issue that should/will be fixed before 
> the final implementation?
> - The limitations presented in the last paragraph of the above linked 
> document are there for soundness of the implementation or if there are 
> technical reasons for them? To me they seem unnecessarily restrictive. Since 
> a type switch over a parametrized type could be evaluated at compile time it 
> should be possible to use it in a fully type safe manner while it would 
> provide the same type of flexibility at compile time that the current type 
> switch provides at runtime.
> I'm also open to the fact that there may be entirely differnt ways to go 
> about solving my particular problem (in a clean and efficient manner) within 
> the bounds of the current spec. If so I'd be super happy to take suggestions!

Thanks for trying it out.

I think that we haven't really figured out whether there should be a
way to do a type switch on a type argument.  It's not a technical
limitation.  We're just not sure what to do here.  It sounds like you
are in favor of supporting a type switch on a type argument.


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