On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 6:46 PM <kurnia.d....@gmail.com> wrote:

> to my understanding, a pure function is a function that doesn't have a
> side effect, so we can limit pure function to:
> - unable to call non-pure function
> - unable to modify a variable that is not declared on current function
> (like a global variable)
You also need an additional property, namely that the function always
returns the same output for a given input. That is, it is a "stable"
relation from inputs to outputs. Consider e.g.


where we read a global variable as part of the function body. You could
make this into an escaping variable in a closure if you want something more
local, but the global will serve the same purpose. There are many variants
of this scheme, for instance by reading on a channel as part of the
function body, and having that channel fed random values, etc.

Marking an expression as pure is a nominal type of language construction.
Go usually prefers structural language constructions in most places, so I
don't think it fits into the language design as a whole.

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