I try to recompile Go for a new platform which is a s390x platform using 
Clang instead of GCC. I can not work for C string in CGO. Apparently char 
in unsigned by default on my platform and building even the simple CGO 
program always fails with this error:

*/home/user/tmp/go-build468743286/b001/_cgo_gotypes.go:175:25: undefined: 

the code is:

package main

//#include <stdio.h>
//char* callC() {
// return "Calling C code!";
import "C"

import "fmt"

func main() {
        fmt.Println("Convert C String to Go String")
        str := C.GoString(C.callC())

to overcome this I modified the gcc.go file in src/cmd/cgo and added this:

if s == "uchar" {
                s = "char"
            name := c.Ident("_Ctype_" + s)
I don't now how CGO always convert my char* to *_Ctype_uchar instead of 
Anyone have a clue on this?

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