On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 3:37 PM Tor Langballe <torlangba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This might have been discussed, but can't find anything about so easy, joined 
> late...
> Could generic function definitions be done all in one paramter list using the 
> type keyword?
> func IndexOf(slice []type T, find type T) int
> or
> func IndexOf(slice []type T, find T) int
> instead of
> func IndexOf[type T](slice []T, find T) int
> Function calling / instatiating would probably still have a type declaration 
> part in [ ] or whatever ends up being used.
> It could get messy with contracts / required interfaces, and might not be 
> parsable, but might be nice not to repeat types if they are longer names.

A few quick notes.

As you mention, how do constraints work?

If there are multiple type parameters, I think it's not immediately
obvious how the type arguments should be passed.

What about functions that use a type parameter that is not used by any
of the non-type parameters?  That's uncommon but it seems like it
could happen.


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