On Aug 21, 2020, at 2:07 PM, roger peppe <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's one interesting implication of this: it allows us to do type 
> conversions that were not previously possible.
> For example, if we have "type I int", we can use a type switch to convert 
> some type []I to type []int:
> https://go2goplay.golang.org/p/-860Zlz7-cn
> func F[type T intlike](ts []T) []int {
>    switch T {
>    case int:
>        return ts
>    }
>    return nil
> }

IMHO this should work. This makes sense to me because I think
of generics as merely constrained compile time macros :-) The
switch can removed at compile time by the compiler. [Note that
in this regard "intlike" is *different* from sum types, which are
a runtime concept that Go doesn't have (except for interface{}).]

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