On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 2:46 PM Nick <golang-n...@njw.name> wrote:

> I took a little tour around the code, am I correct in thinking that
> it's mostly a clever translation of the C code to Go, using
> generator.go? What is 'ccgo' that seems to be doing all this?

ccgo is a C compiler producing Go code. It's a work in progress and its
code is so far the only documentation available, sadly. The project is
modernc.org/ccgo/v3 hosted currently here:

> I see
> that lib/sqlite_linux_amd64.go is created by the makeSqlite()
> function, but is the capi_linux_amd64.go file generated from the
> same command? Sorry, but I don't yet understand this ccgo thing.

ccgo produces a capi_$GOOS_$GOARC file automatically for non main C
programs. This file simply has a map of extern symbols the Go package
defines. ccgo uses this information for linking via, for example -
lmodenrc.org/sqlite/lib. Similarly to a standard C compiler, libc is
"imported" automatically as if the last item to ccgo is -lmodernc.org/libc.
This can be overridden by the -ccgo-crt-pah flag. (The libc project is a
continuation of the earlier modernc.org/crt project.)

> Am I correct in thinking that this implementation, now it passes all
> the tests, should be essentially a drop-in replacement for something
> like github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3, with similar performance as it's
> just translated-from-C?

Mattn's package exposes much more above the sql/database driver and adds
custom URL parameters for various options specific to that project.
However, it should be possible to create a drop-in replacement package as
everything in modernc.org/sqlite/lib is exported and "consumable". What
would be needed is to write manually a client Go <-> ccgo produced Go
bridges for the functions that mattn's package uses from sqlite3.c
(probably just a few dozens of them). The ccgo produced Go has an "ABI"
that's quite distinct from usual Go functions. And it's not documented yet.
But I can provide the info to anyone who would like to turn it into the
proper documentation in a series of questions and answers, held on the
issue tracker, for example.

Wrt performance, I expect the Go port to be definitely slower on average.
It's a long story to explain why and there's a lot of different reasons.
However, the slow down depends on what C code is measured. On a set of 24
benchmarks from ComptCert, the average ratio was about 1.25 (times slower
than gcc -O) for the same C code in an earlier (still crt based) version.
But then you can find some other C code where addresses of local variables
are taken or where closures are used and it gets the highest performance
hit. Correctness and completeness is so far the priority. I hope some
performance improvements are still possible afterwards. For example, the
current libc does not yet buffer stdout. Here are the current numbers on a
rather old machine where you can see how it (I guess) hurts binarytrees.c:

=== RUN   TestCompCert
=== RUN   TestCompCert/gcc
=== RUN   TestCompCert/ccgo
=== CONT  TestCompCert
    all_test.go:1165:   compiler           test    T         comp  exec
match    coef
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc          aes.c    70.965ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc    almabench.c   253.403ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc  binarytrees.c    33.907ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc       bisect.c    81.671ms  true  true
 true   1.018
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc        chomp.c   237.238ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc     fannkuch.c   174.135ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc          fft.c    67.835ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc        fftsp.c    40.645ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc         fftw.c    66.590ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc          fib.c    45.877ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc       integr.c    28.862ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc  knucleotide.c   130.633ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc        lists.c    60.898ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc   mandelbrot.c   106.127ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc        nbody.c   149.378ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc       nsieve.c   134.007ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc   nsievebits.c    99.903ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc       perlin.c    38.010ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc        qsort.c    91.263ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc         sha1.c    59.152ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc         sha3.c    29.127ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc    siphash24.c    87.284ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc     spectral.c   168.282ms  true  true
 true   1.022
    all_test.go:1167:        gcc        vmach.c    59.304ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo          aes.c    82.205ms  true  true
 true   1.158
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo    almabench.c   349.994ms  true  true
 true   1.381
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo  binarytrees.c   240.471ms  true  true
 true   7.092
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo       bisect.c    80.192ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo        chomp.c   316.546ms  true  true
 true   1.334
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo     fannkuch.c   231.494ms  true  true
 true   1.329
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo          fft.c    79.481ms  true  true
 true   1.172
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo        fftsp.c   103.185ms  true  true
 true   2.539
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo         fftw.c    93.375ms  true  true
 true   1.402
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo          fib.c    73.022ms  true  true
 true   1.592
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo       integr.c    32.963ms  true  true
 true   1.142
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo  knucleotide.c   295.192ms  true  true
 true   2.260
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo        lists.c    72.562ms  true  true
 true   1.192
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo   mandelbrot.c   152.969ms  true  true
 true   1.441
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo        nbody.c   149.822ms  true  true
 true   1.003
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo       nsieve.c   157.365ms  true  true
 true   1.174
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo   nsievebits.c   113.934ms  true  true
 true   1.140
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo       perlin.c    67.065ms  true  true
 true   1.764
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo        qsort.c   105.136ms  true  true
 true   1.152
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo         sha1.c    82.178ms  true  true
 true   1.389
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo         sha3.c    70.727ms  true  true
 true   2.428
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo    siphash24.c   108.887ms  true  true
 true   1.248
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo     spectral.c   164.702ms  true  true
 true   1.000 *
    all_test.go:1167:       ccgo        vmach.c    78.095ms  true  true
 true   1.317
    all_test.go:1174: Considered tests: 24/24
    all_test.go:1182:       ccgo   3.301562213s  1.426
    all_test.go:1182:        gcc   2.314496632s  1.000
--- PASS: TestCompCert (46.13s)
    --- PASS: TestCompCert/gcc (16.60s)
    --- PASS: TestCompCert/ccgo (29.48s)

> What happens if one (erroneously) tries to
> build a project that uses this library, using a non-supported
> architecture? Will go complain?

Yes, all of the os/arch specific code is by guarded like in
foo_$GOOS_$GOARCH.go, so the compiler targeting other GOOS/GOARCH should
definitely fail the build.

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