In practice you never declare the same interface twice 
switch from one to the other. Why would anybody declare
his own ResonseWriter interface if net/http.ResponseWriter

So yes: Using a type alias has advantages, but no, this
advantage is never realized because neither the alias nor
the plain type decl are used in practice.


On Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at 10:13:23 UTC+2 Javier Zunzunegui wrote:

> TLDR: Why should I NOT the alias form `type ... = interface {...}` instead 
> of the standard `type ... interface {...}` for interface declarations?
> The extended question:
> The normal type definition for an interface in go would be `type TypeName 
> interface {...}`. This results in a new type, which is assignable to other 
> types of the similar interfacce, such that this is valid:
> ```
> type I1 interface{ Foo() }
> type I2 interface{ Foo() }
> var _ I1 = I2(nil)
> ```
> But these are different types, such that any function with one of these in 
> the signature can't be converted to a similar function with the other, such 
> that this is NOT valid:
> ```
> var _ func(I1) = (func(I2))(nil)
> ```
> Declare the types as aliases <> 
> however, 
> and the limitation dissapears:
> ```
> type I1 interface{ Foo() }
> type I2 interface{ Foo() }
> var _ I1 = I2(nil) // still valid
> var _ func(I1) = (func(I2))(nil) // now valid
> ```
> A runnable example of the below using `http.ResponseWriter`:
>    - without alias <>
>    - with alias <>
> My point being using aliases offers an advantage (more flexible assignment 
> and interface implementation) and to my knowledge no meaningful drawback. 
> So why not use it everywhere?

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