database/sql.DB is a pool. If you don't want to close it, 
SetMaxIdleConns(1), or better, use a db.Conn(). a következőt írta (2020. szeptember 11., péntek, 
21:02:26 UTC+2):

> On Friday, 11 September 2020 at 21:04:11 UTC+3 wrote:
>> Which sqlite driver are you using? That sounds like a bug.
> ""
>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 10:56 AM Stephan Lukits wrote:
>>> I passed a string-type pointer (as last destination) to a sql.DB.Query 
>>> call which had a NULL value as field value. No error was returned
> Here I was wrong.  The error is returned by the Scan(...)-call (which I 
> didn't catch, these are my first steps with go ...)
> The reason why I was fixated on the Query-call was the way I tracked the 
> cause:
> I printed the functioning and not functioning DB-connection and saw that 
> they differ
> &{0 {:memory: 0xc00000e0e0} 0 {0 0} [0xc000126a20] ...
> &{0 {:memory: 0xc00000e0e0} 0 {0 0} [] ...
> at the slice. Pinging the non-functioning DB-connection put a new addres 
> into the empty slice, so I assumed that this slice holds the open 
> connections.
> Then I narroed the two lines until I found the line where the switch to 
> the empty slice happand which was oddly the Query-call.
> The Questions which remain are, dose this connection gets closed allways 
> when an error appears? Is it a bug? 
> Can I use the API to figure if this connection was closed? Ping doesn't 
> work because it just creates a new connection and pretends everything is 
> fine.
> My settings are:
> .SetMaxOpenConns(1)
> .SetConnMaxLifetime(0)
> .SetConnMaxIdleTime(0)
> (because I really don't want this connection to close ;)
> Thanks Stephan

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