On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 3:46 AM Kevin Chadwick <m8il1i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there any thoughts on how to handle error types. Will the user create 
> custom
> error types from strings for use with errors.Is like for their own code or are
> some error strings in the stdlib likely to change. In which case an "import
> errors/types" managed by the stdlib might make sense?
> proposal: Go 2 error values
> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/29934#issuecomment-546896170

I don't think there is any one solution that will be used in all
cases.  Where the standard library can reasonably provide a shared
error type, it should, as it already does for types like os.PathError
and os.SyscallError.  For a user package, whether it returns a
specific error type is part of that package's API.  Often there is no
need for special error types for a user package.  Where there is a
need, the error types should be documented like any other part of the


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