I think that's pretty recent? The only way used to be to add a script tag, and 
I have used that in Go before. I think just putting it in as a function call 
might work though...

[Joop Kiefte - Chat @ 

On September 29, 2020 at 12:55 GMT, Eduard Castany <eduard.cast...@gmail.com> 

I guess this works on node.js but I was referring to the browser environment. 
Where normal JavaScript can just `import("module")`.

On Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 11:44:56 UTC+2 Alvadron wrote:

This is what I have been doing and it has worked for my needs:
// Importing it using "require" and storing the module in a variable
core := js.Global().Call("require", "@boostercloud/framework-core")

// Now get some props/methods from that module as usual:
config := core.Get("Booster").Get("config")
Is this what you were asking about?

El martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020 a las 9:13:03 UTC+1, eduard....@gmail.com 

In JavaScript we can 
 JavaScript modules statically and dynamically. How could we import a 
JavaScript module dynamically in Go?

The closest/simplest thing may be to add an HTML script tag into the page 
header programatically (and I'm going to try that) but maybe there is a more 
obvious way that I'm not seeing.

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