This format is quite specific - roll your own!
See for example or a derivative 
( - very simple code, easy to modify.

My experience is against logfmt: is is nice, human-readable, but it is hard 
to log structures with it - you'll use fmt.Sprintf("%#v", structure), or 

ChrisLu a következőt írta (2020. november 18., szerda, 5:21:48 UTC+1):

> I am considering moving from glog to structured logging. I tried logrus, 
> go-kit, uber/zap, but could not find one good fit. In short, this is the 
> desired format:
> [info][timestamp] [filename:line_number] message k1=v1 k2=v2 ...
> It shows the correct file name(need to pop out a few call stacks) and line 
> number in a customizable format, not as key-value pair for each line which 
> is just too verbose to have the extra "time=" "file=".
> Please let me know the one you actually use.
> Thanks!
> Chris
> ---------

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