I didn't have much time to look at it, but try to rebind the `app` variable:

for _, app := range appName {
// Calculate the Epoch Time
app := app // rebidding app

a short, and not quite formal, explanation is that the loop variable is 
reused during the iterations, and when a loop variable is captured in a 
clojure, it isn't copied, so when the clojure executes the captured 
variable will have the value for the current loop iteration. And it happens 
that the clojure executed in a go routine will only run after the for loop 
have finished, and therefore all the goroutines referencing the loop 
variable will read the value for the last iteration.

here you're capturing it:
go func(app string) {
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
sendMetrics(app, channel)

I hope it helps :)

On Monday, 23 November 2020 at 16:40:46 UTC+1 shatab...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a requirement to create a datadog dashboard with application 
> metrics. The app names are read from a config.toml. The code runs only for 
> the first app provided in the toml file and never proceeds to the second 
> app. The structure is a follows:  
> *config.toml*
> application = ["app1", "app2", "app3"]
> customer = ["abc"]
> *main.go*
> // Sending Metrics to Datadog UI
> func sendMetrics(name string, channel chan string) {
> // Calculates the Epoch Time for App
> EpochTime1 := epochTime()
> // Calculates the Epoch Time for Github
> EpochTime2 := gitEpochTime()
> // Lead Time from Github Commit to App Deployment
> calculated_time := EpochTime1 - EpochTime2
> v := versionDetails()
> dd_tags := "metric_tag:" + v
> tags := []string{dd_tags}
> rate := float64(1)
> c, err := statsd.New("")
> if err != nil {
> log.Fatal(err)
> }
> e := c.Gauge(name, float64(calculated_time), tags, rate)
> if e != nil {
> log.Println(e)
> fmt.Println("name:::", name)
> fmt.Println("lead time:::", leadTime)
> channel <- name
> }
> fmt.Println("name:::", name)
> fmt.Println("lead time:::", leadTime)
> channel <- name
> log.Printf("Metrics for %s sent successfully!!", name)
> }
> func main() {
> channel := make(chan string)
> appName, _ := getTag() //gets the appName and customerName both of which 
> are [] string type
> fmt.Println("App names: ", appName, reflect.TypeOf(appName))
> for _, app := range appName {
> // Calculate the Epoch Time
> fmt.Println("Executing app............ ", app)
> if epochTime() == 0 {
> log.Println("No deployment present during the Time Frame!")
> for res := range channel {
> go func(app string) {
> time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
> sendMetrics(app, channel)
> }(res)
> }
> } else {
> go sendMetrics(app, channel)
> for res := range channel {
> go func(name string) {
> time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
> sendMetrics(name, channel)
> }(res)
> }
> }
> }
> }
> I am new to Golang and any help is highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Shatabdi

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