Just an update (in case anyone is interested!).  I went for the approach 
described below of having a Value type holding a scalar for quick access to 
values that fit in 64 bits (ints, floats, bools) and an interface fo for 
the rest.

    type Value struct {
        scalar uint64
        iface interface{}

That significantly decreased memory management pressure on the program for 
many workloads, without having to manage a pool of say integer values.  It 
also had the consequence of speeding up many arithmetic operations.  Thanks 
all for your explanations and suggestions!


On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 11:15:32 UTC Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

> Ah interesting, I guess that could mean I would need to switch to using 
> reflect.Value as the "value" type in the Lua runtime.  I am unclear about 
> the performance consequences, but I guess I could try to measure that.
> Also, looking at the implementation of reflect, its seems like the Value 
> type I suggested in my reply to Ben [1] is a "special purpose" version of 
> reflect.Value - if you squint at it from the right angle!
> -- 
> Arnaud
> [1]
>     type Value struct {
>         scalar uint64
>         iface interface{}
>     }
> On Wednesday, 16 December 2020 at 00:56:52 UTC Keith Randall wrote:
>> Unfortunately for you, interfaces are immutable. We can't provide a means 
>> to create an interface from a pointer, because then the user can modify the 
>> interface using the pointer they constructed it with (as you were planning 
>> to do).
>> You could use a modifiable reflect.Value for this.
>> var i int64  = 77
>> v := reflect.ValueOf(&i).Elem()
>> At this point, v now has .Type() of int64, and is settable.
>> Note that to get the value you can't do v.Interface().(int64), as that 
>> allocates. You need to use v.Int().
>> Of course, reflection has its own performance gotchas. It will solve this 
>> problem but may surface others.
>> On Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 12:04:54 PM UTC-8 ben...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Nice project!
>>> It's a pity Go doesn't have C-like unions for cases like this (though I 
>>> understand why). In my implementation of AWK in Go, I modelled the value 
>>> type as a pseudo-union struct, passed by value:
>>> type value struct {
>>>     typ valueType // Type of value (Null, Str, Num, NumStr)
>>>     s   string    // String value (for typeStr)
>>>     n   float64   // Numeric value (for typeNum and typeNumStr)
>>> }
>>> Code here: 
>>> https://github.com/benhoyt/goawk/blob/22bd82c92461cedfd02aa7b8fe1fbebd697d59b5/interp/value.go#L22-L27
>>> Initially I actually used "type Value interface{}" as well, but I 
>>> switched to the above primarily to model the funky AWK "numeric string" 
>>> concept. However, I seem to recall that it had a significant performance 
>>> benefit too, as passing everything by value avoided a number of allocations.
>>> Lua has more types to deal with, but you could try something similar. Or 
>>> maybe include int64 (for bool as well) and string fields, and everything 
>>> else falls back to interface{}? It'd be a fairly large struct, so not sure 
>>> it would help ... you'd have to benchmark it. But I'm thinking something 
>>> like this:
>>> type Value struct {
>>>     typ valueType
>>>     i int64 // for typ = bool, integer
>>>     s string // for typ = string
>>>     v interface{} // for typ = float, other
>>> }
>>> -Ben
>>> On Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 6:50:05 AM UTC+13 arn...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> The context for this question is that I am working on a pure Go 
>>>> implementation of Lua [1] (as a personal project).  Now that it is more or 
>>>> less functionally complete, I am using pprof to see what the main CPU 
>>>> bottlenecks are, and it turns out that they are around memory management.  
>>>> The first one was to do with allocating and collecting Lua "stack frame" 
>>>> data, which I improved by having add-hoc pools for such objects.
>>>> The second one is the one that is giving me some trouble. Lua is a 
>>>> so-called "dynamically typed" language, i.e. values are typed but 
>>>> variables 
>>>> are not.  So for easy interoperability with Go I implemented Lua values 
>>>> with the type
>>>>     // Go code
>>>>     type Value interface{}
>>>> The scalar Lua types are simply implemented as int64, float64, bool, 
>>>> string with their type "erased" by putting them in a Value interface.  The 
>>>> problem is that the Lua runtime creates a great number of short lived 
>>>> Value 
>>>> instances.  E.g.
>>>>     -- Lua code
>>>>     for i = 0, 1000000000 do
>>>>         n = n + i
>>>>     end    
>>>> When executing this code, the Lua runtime will put the values 0 to 1 
>>>> billion into the register associated with the variable "i" (say, r_i).  
>>>> But 
>>>> because r_i contains a Value, each integer is converted to an interface 
>>>> which triggers a memory allocation.  The critical functions in the Go 
>>>> runtime seem to be convT64 and mallocgc.
>>>> I am not sure how to deal with this issue.  I cannot easily create a 
>>>> pool of available values because Go presents say Value(int64(1000)) as an 
>>>> immutable object to me, so I cannot keep it around for later use to hold 
>>>> the integer 1001.  To be more explicit
>>>>     // Go code
>>>>     i := int64(1000)
>>>>     v := Value(i) // This triggers an allocation (because the interface 
>>>> needs a pointer)
>>>>     // Here the Lua runtime can work with v (containing 1000)
>>>>     j := i + 1
>>>>     // Even though v contains a pointer to a heap location, I cannot 
>>>> modify it
>>>>     v := Value(j) // This triggers another allocation
>>>>     // Here the Lua runtime can work with v (containing 1001)
>>>> I could perhaps use a pointer to an integer to make a Value out of.  
>>>> This would allow reuse of the heap location.
>>>>     // Go code
>>>>     p :=new(int64) // Explicit allocation
>>>>     vp := Value(p)
>>>>     i :=int64(1000)
>>>>     *p = i // No allocation
>>>>     // Here the Lua runtime can work with vp (contaning 1000)
>>>>     j := i + 1
>>>>     *p = j // No allocation
>>>>     // Here the Lua runtime can work with vp (containing 1001)
>>>> But the issue with this is that Go interoperability is not so good, as 
>>>> Go int64 now map to (interfaces holding) *int64 in the Lua runtime.
>>>> However, as I understand it, in reality interfaces holding an int64 and 
>>>> an *int64 both contain the same thing (with a different type annotation): 
>>>> a 
>>>> pointer to an int64.
>>>> Imagine that if somehow I had a function that can turn an *int64 to a 
>>>> Value holding an int64 (and vice-versa):
>>>>     func Int64PointerToInt64Iface(p *int16) interface{} {
>>>>         // returns an interface that has concrete type int64, and 
>>>> points at p
>>>>     }
>>>>     func int64IfaceToInt64Pointer(v interface{}) *int64 {
>>>>         // returns the pointer that v holds
>>>>     }
>>>>  then I would be able to "pool" the allocations as follows:
>>>>     func NewIntValue(n int64) Value {
>>>>         v = getFromPool()
>>>>         if p == nil {
>>>>             return Value(n)
>>>>         }
>>>>         *p = n
>>>>         return Int64PointerToint64Iface(p)
>>>>     }
>>>>     func ReleaseIntValue(v Value) {
>>>>         addToPool(Int64IPointerFromInt64Iface(v))
>>>>     }
>>>>     func getFromPool() *int64 {
>>>>         // returns nil if there is no available pointer in the pool
>>>>     }
>>>>     func addToPool(p *int64) {
>>>>         // May add p to the pool if there is spare capacity.
>>>>     }
>>>> I am sure that this must leak an abstraction and that there are good 
>>>> reasons why this may be dangerous or impossible, but I don't know what the 
>>>> specific issues are.  Could someone enlighten me?
>>>> Or even better, would there be a different way of modelling Lua values 
>>>> that would allow good Go interoperability and allow controlling heap 
>>>> allocations?
>>>> If you got to this point, thank you for reading!
>>>> Arnaud Delobelle
>>>> [1] https://github.com/arnodel/golua

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