Thanks for the explanations.  Given reflect and the plugin mechanism, it 
seems like compile time analysis is not a very attractive option.  It is a 
shame in my case because I really feel like using an interface is the 
natural solution to my problem in Go, but the runtime cost of type 
assertion is too high for me to ignore (which means I can still use 
interfaces but need to work around type assertion).

Another possibility may be that at the first type assertion x.(I), the 
runtime learns that the concrete type of x satisfies interface I, so that 
next time an interface value with the same concrete type as x is coerced to 
I, it can take a short path.  I don't know enough about the runtime to know 
whether that is feasible at all!

I don't have any stats, but my personal experience tells me that when you 
do a type assertion to a non-empty interface, there are only going to be a 
few concrete types in your program that can satisfy it (although I guess 
this may become less true with the advent of parametric types).

On Wednesday, 30 December 2020 at 16:35:41 UTC Keith Randall wrote:

> Go currently doesn't do any optimizations based on the universe of types 
> seen in the program. This is both because reflect can create new ones, as 
> you mentioned, and also because package plugin can effectively "discover" 
> new ones.
> The Go compiler + "go build" are organized to compile one package at a 
> time. There's no global prepass at the moment which could discover such 
> facts anyway. We could add one, and bail if either reflect or plugin are 
> imported, but that seems unlikely to apply in many cases (reflect in 
> particular is imported indirectly by lots of things).
> On Wednesday, December 30, 2020 at 6:25:11 AM UTC-8 Sebastien Binet wrote:
>> it's because (well, one of the reasons, rather) we didn't find a great 
>> API to create a new type and add methods to it:
>> - one needs a new typename
>> - one needs a set of methods that have the receiver type as first 
>> argument.
>> you're a bit in a chicken-and-egg situation because it would be great to 
>> be able to create a type with *all* its methods known at the time of the 
>> type creation, so a type couldn't "gain" new methods (and thus implement 
>> new interfaces) during the course of the execution of a program.
>> having a kind of "start-new-type", "add new methods", "seal-type" API is 
>> error prone.
>> alternatively, one could use a "type builder" type:
>> type TypeBuilder struct { .. }
>> func NewTypeBuilder(name string, kind reflect.Kind) *TypeBuilder { ... }
>> // still the issue of how to address the receiver (ptr? value?)
>> // and its type within the 'fct' reflect.Value possibly created
>> // via a reflect.MakeFunc.
>> func (bldr *TypeBuilder) AddMethod(name string, fct reflect.Value) { ... }
>> // Build seals the type and returns the finalized named type.
>> func (bldr *TypeBuilder) Build() reflect.Type { ... }
>> but at the time, this kind of API was departing a bit from what we had in 
>> reflect.
>> -s
>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>> On Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 at 6:21 PM, 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts 
>> <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 6:01 PM Arnaud Delobelle <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 16:25:41 UTC 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 4:37 PM Arnaud Delobelle <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Question 1: I *think* that the compiler has all the information 
>>>>> necessary to implement type assertion to the Cont interface as I have, 
>>>>> i.e. 
>>>>> it knows only 3 types implement that interface, so could it not do the 
>>>>> optimisation on my behalf?
>>>> Question 2: Or is it possible that other Go values can be made at 
>>>>> runtime that would implement this interface but not be one of the three 
>>>>> known types that implement it? 
>>>> Yes, re 2. `reflect` can create new types at runtime. AFAIK the 
>>>> implementation for interface-type-assertions is basically to look it up in 
>>>> a global hashmap, which is pre-seeded with compile-time known types and 
>>>> then gets filled on each (successful) inteface-type-assertion with the 
>>>> correct method tables. But, I'm handwaving.
>>> Ok, I have just looked at the docs for the reflect package, but I can't 
>>> see a way to create a type that implements anything but the empty 
>>> interface.  Is that correct?  In that case, wouldn't it mean that it is 
>>> known at compile time what types implement a given (non-empty) interface?
>>> Edit: I see that reflect.StructOf allows creation of struct types out of 
>>> StructField specifications, which have an Anonymous boolean field.  I 
>>> imagine that the created struct will inherit the methods of embedded types, 
>>> so it may implement non empty interfaces.  I'm interested in valid 
>>> use-cases for this, as it seems to be the thing that prevents this 
>>> optimisation from being possible.
>> Yes, indeed:
>> Personally, I'm rather disappointed that reflect doesn't allow better 
>> ways to create types with methods at runtime. I think encoding packages 
>> could take advantage of that by consuming an IDL and creating behaviorally 
>> complete types.
>> FWIW, promoted methods haven't always been created by reflect, but even 
>> then, the compiler didn't do this analysis. AIUI, it was considered 
>> prohibitively expensive to analyze all possible interface/type 
>> combinations. TinyGo does it, but a) it has different use-cases (in 
>> particular, not prioritizing compile time as much) and b) AIUI doesn't 
>> fully support reflect, so doesn't have to worry about runtime type-creation.
>> But I'm not an expert, so don't trust my judgement of how feasible this 
>> optimization would be.
>>> Under these assumptions, it might be *possible* to first check against 
>>>> the statically known types and only fall back on the map if none of that 
>>>> matches. But it doesn't seem 100% clear to me that that's always faster.
>>>> I think concrete type-assertions will always be faster than interface 
>>>> type-assertions though - for a concrete type-assertions, it's really just 
>>>> comparing the two type-pointers and copying the value (which, in your 
>>>> case, 
>>>> is a pointer itself), whereas for an interface type-assertion, the actual 
>>>> method table must be assembled or looked up.
>>> Yes, that's what I was imagining, and why I decided to try coercion to 
>>> concrete type instead!
>>> -- 
>>> Arnaud
>>> -- 
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