Here's one real life example that I came across recently.

I have a CRUD API that supports a bunch of different entity types. They all
support a superset of the same operations.
Each method represents a single HTTP call.

If the generics proposal was implemented, I'd be able to define a common
interface between them all.
Something like this:

        type CRUD[Entity any] interface {
                Find(ctx context.Context, filter Filter) ([]Entity, error)
                FindOne(ctx context.Context, filter Filter) ([]Entity,
                Create(ctx context.Context, entity Entity) (Entity, error)
                Update(ctx context.Context, entity Entity) (Entity, error)
                Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error

The Find operation allows the specification of a start-count window of
results to return.
It would be really nice to be able to define a generic function like this:

    func FindAll[Entity any](api CRUD[Entity], filter Filter) ([]Entity,

which would iterate return a slice of all the entities regardless of how
many underlying
calls to Find are needed.

Currently I can't easily do that. I could change the methods so that they
just returned interface
values instead of the respective entity types, but that would make the API
harder and more
error-prone to use. I could use reflection, but that code would be even
harder to read and maintain.

Currently I might end up using code generation, but that has its own issues
(I'd have to write
a code generator, or use some kind of template scheme, in which case the
actual source wouldn't
be amenable to gofmt and static checking).


On Thu, 24 Dec 2020 at 06:15, Martin Hanson <>

> I have been arguing passionately against adding generics to Go because
> I truly believe that it is going against the simplicity of Go and the
> philosophy behind the design of Go.
> I believe that the resilience of Go against unnecessary change is of
> vital importance. The experience provided by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike and
> Robert Griesemer in designing Go the way they did speaks for itself.
> I feel and believe it is of imperative importance to avoid adding things
> to Go that doesn't present a true and real life day-to-day problem
> and so far none of the examples the pro-generics camp has provided has
> been more than minor theoretical examples that do not present any real
> life problems.
> I therefore propose that the pro-generics camp provide real examples of
> problems they have faced that was such a big issue that it justifies
> adding generics to Go.
> If all we're presented are these small theoretical examples of sorting
> lists, etc., then clearly this is nothing but hype that needs to go
> away.
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