a helloworld net/http will ask for 1GB VSS, I understand VSS is not the 
same as RSS, also did my googling and know golang malloc.go allocates 512GB 
heap for 64bit system and such.

other GC(garbage collection) languages do not preallocate huge size of VSS 
and they worked well.

large size VSS does have an impact on Linux related to overcommit settings, 
it also impacts ulimit resource, and swap, and mlock, and probably core 
dump or even cgroups etc.

I'm running go on embedded boards where 64M/128M RAM is the norm. The 1GB 
VSS for a helloword just seems not right. In fact I saw some apps demands 
many GBs VSS.

turning on/off CGO helped little but not much.

so all in all, is this super-sized VSS really a feature? can it at least be 
made configurable somehow?

Try to set overcommit to 2 and run multiple helloworld http you may kill 
all your x-windows system for example, which really should never happen.


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