On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 3:07 PM roger peppe <rogpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FWIW I think that one possible approach to allowing methods (and potentially 
> function values) with type parameters might be to allow instantiating them 
> only with a limited set of "shapes" of data (for example, only pointer-like 
> types). Then I think there's the possibility that the method or function 
> could be compiled once for each allowed shape but still allow instantiation 
> with an arbitrary number of types, without the necessity to statically 
> enumerate all the possible types for that function.
>> We need to instantiate p1.S.Identity[int] somewhere, but how?
> If one did something like the above, I guess you'd look up the implementation 
> by shape (8 bytes, non pointer) from the type info in the interface value, 
> then call the compiled function with the appropriate meta information based 
> on that. Details left as an exercise for the reader :)
> I don't see that reflection per se would need to be involved, any more than 
> reflection is involved when doing a dynamic type conversion.

I don't think that approach would work for an implementation that
re-compiles the generic function for each set of type arguments.
There would be no implementation to select.  And, of course, the
specific GC shape required might be missing.  I think that any choice
we make here has to always work reliably.


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