On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 10:02 PM burak serdar <bser...@computer.org> wrote:
> As a generic-function writer, I do not know if the argument will be an
> interface or a concrete type. I don't want to check if it is
> zero-value, I want to check if it is nil, because I don't want it to
> panic.

Other people in this thread have made useful comments.  I want to add
that this request doesn't make sense to me.  A generic type has
constraints that describe exactly what operations are permitted for
values of that generic type.  The current proposal provides no way to
write a constraint for "can be compared to nil".  If we could write
such a constraint, then if you used it, that type parameter could not
be instantiated by a numeric type or a string type.  That doesn't seem
clearly useful.

It seems to me that what you are suggesting is something like "if a
type argument is an interface type, then permit comparing with nil."
I don't think that's a useful way to program in a language like Go.
Calling a method on a nil interface value will crash in a reliable and
dependable way, just as dereferencing a nil pointer will crash.  There
is no more need to check for a nil interface value than there is a
need to check for a nil pointer value.

Finally, you can call this if you really must:

func IsNilInterface[T any](v T) bool {
    typ := reflect.TypeOf(&v).Elem()
    if typ.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
        return false
    return reflect.ValueOf(&v).Elem().IsZero()


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