On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 10:35 AM saurav deshpande
<saurav.deshpande1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I am trying to run a make file but it gives me the following error:
> go.mod: 1: module: not found
> go 1.15: unknown command


> go.o:
> @mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
> @echo "[go] compiling go sources into a standalone .o file"
> echo $(GOPATH)
> @GOARCH=386 GOOS=linux GOPATH=$(GOPATH) COG_ENABLED=1 go build -n 2>&1 | sed \
> -e "1s|^|set -e\n|" \
> -e "1s|^|export GOOS=linux\n|" \
> -e "1s|^|export GOARCH=386\n|" \
> -e "1s|^|export CGO_ENABLED=1\n|" \
> -e "1s|^|WORK='$(BUILD_ABS_DIR)'\n|" \
> -e "1s|^|alias pack='go tool pack'\n|" \
> -e "/^mv/d" \
> -e "s|-extld|-tmpdir='$(BUILD_ABS_DIR)' -linkmode=external 
> -extldflags='-nostdlib' -extld|g" \
> | sh 2>&1 | sed -e "s/^/ | /g"

This procedure--using "go build -n" and editing the output--is not
supported and is going to be highly version-specific.  Has this ever
worked?  Have you changed the version of Go that you are using?

Do your sources have a go.mod file?


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