GODEBUG=allocfreetrace may be what you are looking for. You might want to 
check the output with sort | uniq -c.

On Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at 8:05:23 PM UTC+1 Miles Hex wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using golang (1.15.6) to write a daemon that handle system 
> task(network, time, updates, etc..)  in embedded device (an onion omega 
> 2+), and i'm encountering a small memory leak that i'm unable to identify 
> and fix. 
> The device is using linux 4.14.171, the architecture is mips.
> At first i used "go tool pprof" and the memory profile but the "inuse" 
> index is always empty, and that kinda match my expectation since the 
> application spend most of his time idle awaiting commands/event (i must add 
> that he leak occur even when the application is idle). I also checked the 
> number of goroutine that remains constant. 
> I then added some logs to try to understand when this allocation occurs 
> (and the subsequent leak), but i'm unable to make sense of the data.
> I also collected a couple of heapdump that i'm trying to analyze with 
> "github.com/temorfeouz/heapdump14" (which is a fork of 
> https://github.com/randall77/heapdump14, and the only tool i find that 
> can open heapdump of go 1.15)
> Following is the (partial) memstat data:
> MemStast Before:
>   "HeapAlloc": 1811448,
>   "HeapSys": 7176192,
>   "HeapIdle": 4399104,
>   "HeapInuse": 2777088,
>   "HeapReleased": 3358720,
>   "HeapObjects": 11200,
>   "StackInuse": 1212416,
>   "StackSys": 1212416,
> MemStat After 7 days:
>   "HeapAlloc": 2033048,
>   "HeapSys": 11403264,
>   "HeapIdle": 8257536,
>   "HeapInuse": 3145728,
>   "HeapReleased": 8257536,
>   "HeapObjects": 13060,
>   "StackInuse": 1179648,
>   "StackSys": 1179648,
> I also have the summary from the two heapdump
> Before:
> Heap size: 8.0 MB bytes 
> Heap live: 1.8 MB bytes 
> Heap objects: 11496 
> Reachable objects: 10492 
> Reachable size: 1.6 MB bytes 
> After 7 days:
> Heap size: 12.0 MB bytes 
> Heap live: 2.0 MB bytes 
> Heap objects: 13198 
> Reachable objects: 10454 
> Reachable size: 1.6 MB bytes 
> I have collected a lot more data, including all the profile made available 
> from the go runtime and various system information.
> If i'm reading this data correctly there is a memory leak as the heap si 
> growing but i'm not sure how to find it! I tough i could try to diff the 
> two heapdump with excel but the tool that i'm using is not very "precise" 
> and a lot of type information seem to be lost.
> I don't know how to make sense of this data, what would your next step? 
> I'm quite new in the golang ecosystem and i'm unsure how to move from here.
> Thanks.

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