
I have found the problem to the double PUT message being sent and have 
solve it.
Thanks for the help.

A lot of lesson learnt from this exercise.

On Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 1:47:07 PM UTC+2 Brian Candler wrote:

> On Sunday, 21 March 2021 at 11:42:37 UTC Brian Candler wrote:
>> Also: somebody has to be responsible for closing the response.  You're 
>> not explicitly returning an error from SendNFInstanceRegistration() to 
>> HandleNFInstanceRegistration(), so the only way you can indicate that the 
>> body is invalid is to return nil as the response pointer.
> Sorry, I got that the wrong way round.  SendNFInstanceRegistration calls 
> HandleNFInstanceRegistration, and you do return an error there.
> However, PutAndPatch calls SendNFInstanceRegistration, and you don't 
> return an error.  The caller then checks resp.StatusCode, but doesn't 
> account for the fact that there might have been some error, and so resp is 
> nil.
> I would suggest that instead of returning a resp, you return bool "ok" 
> which just says whether the request was successful or not.

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