No, it's even simpler than that:

* The first call to decoder.Decode() will return the first object in the 
* The second call to decoder.Decode() will return the second object in the 
* And so on...

By "object" I mean top-level object: everything between the opening "{" and 
its matching closing "}", including all its nested values.  (Define a 
struct which contains all the nested attributes, for it to be deserialized 

If an io.Reader stream consists of a series of separate JSON objects - as 
yours does - then you get one object at a time.  They don't have to be 
separated by whitespace or newlines, but they can be.

Don't think about seeking.  I don't know the internals of decoder.Decode(), 
but I would expect that it reads in chunks from the io.Reader.  This means 
it will likely overshoot the object boundaries, but will buffer the excess 
and process it on the next call to Decode.

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