On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:10:49 AM UTC+12 amitl...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> A cheat-sheet I wrote for myself evolved into a full tutorial 
> <https://fluhus.github.io/snopher/> on calling Go directly from Python 
> using ctypes and dll's, so I am happy to share it with the community. It 
> starts from the very basics and covers how to handle arrays, strings and 
> objects in both directions, memory management, performance, and even how to 
> interact directly with numpy and pandas objects. I hope it's useful for the 
> pythonistas among you.
> Any feedback, ideas and questions are welcome.

Nice write up! I've use the ctypes approach for a few situations and its 
great to have a detailed reference guide like this. 

Also recently I started using https://github.com/go-python/gopy and have 
been contributing a bunch of fixes and features. For simple situations 
though it is much easier to just use the ctypes approach since you have 
fine grained control over the access. As long has you don't have too much 
to expose to python, and too much memory management and type shimming to do.

> Amit

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