On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 12:05 PM Øyvind Teig <oyvind.t...@teigfam.net> wrote:
> The example here is a server with N clients where it is essential that none 
> of clients will starve and none jam the server. I have needed to do this 
> coding several times. Go has random select which in theory may mean starving 
> and jamming. I worked with safety critical fire detection, and it was 
> necessary to ensure this. Or at least we didn't dare to take the chance. We 
> could not just add another machine.
> To use select when that's fair enough (pun 1) - "fair enough" (pun 2). But If 
> I want to be certain of no starving or jamming I need to code the fairness 
> algorithm. I can then promise a client that may have been ready but wasn't 
> served to come in before I take the previous clients that were allowed. This 
> is at best very difficult if all we have is select. Having pri select as the 
> starting point is, in this case, easier.

When there are multiple ready results, the select statement in Go is
guaranteed to use a uniform pseudo-random selection
(https://golang.org/ref/spec#Select_statements).  The fact that cases
are selected using a uniform distribution ensures that executing a
select statement in a loop can't lead to starving (I'm not sure what
jamming is).

As several people have said, it's meaningless to say "I want to ensure
that if both case A and case B are available then the select statement
will choose case A."  It's meaningless because it relies on a notion
of simultaneity that literally doesn't exist.  There will always be a
period of time after the select statement chooses B, but before it
actually executes the case, that case A may become ready.  That will
be true for any possible implementation of select, because select is
not an atomic operation.

Therefore, this code using a hypothetical priority case

select {
case pri <-c1:
case <-c2:

can always be rewritten as

select {
case <-c1:
    select {
    case <-c1:
    case <-c2:

The rewritten select is exactly equivalent to the first.  The only way
that they could not be equivalent would be if select were atomic.


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