Yes, C for instance. 

It doesn’t print ‘client 2’ because your code is broken. It prints “late 
arrival” if you remove the sleep. The main program finishes before the go 
routine runs.  

> On May 3, 2021, at 2:24 PM, Øyvind Teig <> wrote:
>> mandag 3. mai 2021 kl. 21:11:48 UTC+2 skrev
>> In most “select” implementations a set of “ready” endpoints is returned. So 
>> it is trivial for the reader to prioritize some endpoints over others. 
> Do you mean in user code in other languages than Go? If so, which ones were 
> you thinking of? 
>> Because of the way Go select works it is more difficult - requiring nested 
>> selects - and it is more easily implemented using multiple readers and 
>> queues once it moves beyond a few producers. 
> I see that, which is great. But I still don't understand why 
> (By rog, 29Apr2021 23:52:05) 
> seems not to print "Client 2".
> Øyvind
>>>> On May 3, 2021, at 1:23 PM, 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 6:34 PM Øyvind Teig <> wrote:
>>>>>>> meaning that there is not any state where random select is ever used.
>>>>>> It is.
>>>>> Trouble A: If random select is never used […]
>>>> I was unclear: When I said "It is", I meant "it is used". Your 
>>>> understanding of what select does is correct. There will be cases, where 
>>>> both channels are ready when the inner `select` is entered and thus, there 
>>>> will be a pseudorandom choice over which will proceed.
>>>> The argument put forward is that that's exactly how a priority select 
>>>> would have to behave as well. As least as I imagine it and as well as I 
>>>> understand the implementation of `select` (which is, admittedly, not 
>>>> *super* well).
>>>>> If so, maybe a constructive point is to try to write some runnable Go 
>>>>> code that uses this pri select pattern. I have thought about it, but I 
>>>>> don't know how to check whether it would ever enter one of the selects
>>>> This is precisely what my question was getting at. FWIW, it's ultimately  
>>>> pretty straight forward to demonstrate this behavior:
>>>> This program exits if and only if the inner select choses `lo`. Given that 
>>>> we know that `hi` is being closed before `lo` ("Within a single goroutine, 
>>>> the happens-before order is the order expressed by the program."), `lo` 
>>>> being ready implies `hi` being ready as well. Thus, by seeing that the 
>>>> program exits, we can show that the inner select sometimes chooses the 
>>>> `lo` case, even though the `hi` is ready as well.
>>>> Crucially, however, we needed to know that `close(hi)` happens before 
>>>> `close(lo)` to prove this case was taken - thus, the communications are 
>>>> not concurrent. That's what I meant by "external synchronization 
>>>> primitives".
>>>> I think my question was flawed, because really, the issue isn't about how 
>>>> the `select` with `default` construct we showed works - the question is 
>>>> how a priority `select` could work. That is, could we implement a priority 
>>>> `select` such that this code terminates: 
>>>> I don't think we can - and based on that assumption I extrapolated how a 
>>>> priority select would actually behave - but I have to admit that I really 
>>>> don't understand `select` or the underlying hardware primitives enough to 
>>>> make a solid case either way here. Maybe you can provide an equivalent 
>>>> program in a language of your choice that terminates - that would 
>>>> certainly prove that it's at least possible (though to be clear: I don't 
>>>> understand your xC code, so I can't promise that I'd understand whatever 
>>>> you send here, personally :) ).
>>>> All of that being said: I really think that in the cases where a priority 
>>>> select is needed, this construct is good enough to hold up. 
>>>>> and in fact need to do a random select, and select a lower when a higher 
>>>>> is present (or became present). Plus, if I try to synchronise clients and 
>>>>> send over sequence counts, the scheduling pattern could become so 
>>>>> repetitive that no such situation would occur. 
>>>>> Is there a way to inspect the built code and do it from code inspection? 
>>>>> (I guess so?)
>>>>> But for all this, I would need even more help...
>>>>> (Maybe I'll try to trigger a student since I have so much xC ahead of 
>>>>> me..)
>>>>> Øyvind
>>>>>>> rog wrote above (where I had indicated that occam (and also xC, said 
>>>>>>> here) has a looping channel construct): "To start with, if you've got N 
>>>>>>> clients where N isn't known in advance, it's not possible to use Go's 
>>>>>>> select statement directly because it doesn't provide support for 
>>>>>>> reading from a slice." Does this mean that aside from reflection 
>>>>>>> ( - which still does not 
>>>>>>> serve "client 2", shouldn't it?) then idiomatic Go for a small number 
>>>>>>> of priorities is the one with default case(s), and it works 100% as 
>>>>>>> intended, with no cognitive (?) reliance on Go's inner working under 
>>>>>>> the hood? (I mean: "WYSIWYG semantics" kind of.)
>>>>>>> I am at a point now that if the answer to the above is yes, I'll just 
>>>>>>> say thank you for your help, and I will be a Go-wise wiser person. With 
>>>>>>> my cognitive bias I will then have to accept that this is Go, nothing 
>>>>>>> more to say. Just accept it. Anyhow, in case, thank you!
>>>>>>> Øyvind
>>>>>>>> fredag 30. april 2021 kl. 10:42:47 UTC+2 skrev 
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 9:53 AM Øyvind Teig <> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> If there is no notion of simultaneity why all the effort to describe 
>>>>>>>>> the random distribution?
>>>>>>>> While it's not possible for two cases to become ready at the same 
>>>>>>>> time, it's definitely possible for two cases to be ready when entering 
>>>>>>>> a select. That's where the random selection comes in.
>>>>>>>> There's also the notable difference between a select with a default 
>>>>>>>> and one without. A select with a default never blocks, so which branch 
>>>>>>>> is taken is *only* determined by what's ready when entering the 
>>>>>>>> select, whereas a select without can block and then gets woken up by 
>>>>>>>> the first communication that's ready - and there'll always be a 
>>>>>>>> "first".
>>>>>>>> In a sense, the nested select uses that: The outer select handles the 
>>>>>>>> "what's currently ready" case and the inner select handles the "what 
>>>>>>>> becomes ready in the future".
>>>>>>>> The priority select would use the same basic logic:
>>>>>>>> - Is the high priority case ready? If so, do that
>>>>>>>> - If not, block until one of the cases become ready - do the first 
>>>>>>>> that becomes ready
>>>>>>>> The crux here is exactly that we can't have two cases "becoming ready" 
>>>>>>>> at the same time, so we really *have* to "take the first one that 
>>>>>>>> becomes ready".
>>>>>>>>> The select is first set up, at which time the code decides on which 
>>>>>>>>> one to take if more than one guard is ready. If the clients were only 
>>>>>>>>> sending, then nowhere in the system is this noted on "the other" side 
>>>>>>>>> of the channel (in the server) before it enters the select. The 
>>>>>>>>> channel would have noted the first contender, yes, but the servre 
>>>>>>>>> have yet no idea. If none is ready, then the server was first on all 
>>>>>>>>> the ends, and when a sender arrives it will match the guard set in 
>>>>>>>>> the server and tear down the select. In due time the server is 
>>>>>>>>> scheduled with that one event.
>>>>>>>>> This is how I have seen it in several systems. I wonder what might be 
>>>>>>>>> so different with go.
>>>>>>>> I don't think I understand this exposition. But on first glance, your 
>>>>>>>> description doesn't sound terribly different from what's happening in 
>>>>>>>> Go.
>>>>>>>> To be clear: No one is claiming it would be impossible to implement a 
>>>>>>>> priority select in Go. Obviously we could replace the pseudo-random 
>>>>>>>> choice by something else. We are just saying that it would be 
>>>>>>>> equivalent to the nested select code.
>>>>>>>>> Ok, so this is a pattern that Go people would use if they needed to 
>>>>>>>>> do pri select. Then, why go to the lengths of the other code shown 
>>>>>>>>> above? Is it because I have kind of "pressed" you to come up with 
>>>>>>>>> code and then of course, one thing may be solved several ways? 
>>>>>>>> I think the first code you where shown by Jan (which is the same as 
>>>>>>>> Ian's) is correct and I believe it's likely that your insistence that 
>>>>>>>> it isn't is what prompted people to come up with more and more 
>>>>>>>> complicated code.
>>>>>>>>> Will your Go code examples stand the test of formal verification? Of 
>>>>>>>>> course, when it's not formally verified you probaby could not answer 
>>>>>>>>> such a question. But the stomach feeling?
>>>>>>>> I'm not very familiar with formal methods for this, or what the 
>>>>>>>> invariant is that would be verified.
>>>>>>>> I do feel quite confident about the statement that the shown snippet 
>>>>>>>> is equivalent to how I'd think a priority select would work.
>>>>>>>>> Another angle: Go does not have the expression before the select that 
>>>>>>>>> evaluates to true or false. Nothing like
>>>>>>>>> select { 
>>>>>>>>> case (do_this) => val1 <-c1: 
>>>>>>>>> case val2  <-c2: 
>>>>>>>>> } 
>>>>>>>>> Instead, the chan is set to nil to exclude it from the set. What 
>>>>>>>>> might happen if we had a set of 100 clients and they were switched on 
>>>>>>>>> and off internally in the server (that's their purpose) - when will 
>>>>>>>>> the uniform distribution be reset? What's the life span of the 
>>>>>>>>> distribution? With a psudorandom sequence any one value is only 
>>>>>>>>> visited once on a round.
>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what you mean here. Is what you call a "round" the cycle 
>>>>>>>> of the PRNG? In that case, this statement isn't true, the cycle is 
>>>>>>>> likely significantly longer than the number of cases. So we definitely 
>>>>>>>> chose at least one case multiple times per cycle.
>>>>>>>> AFAIK this is the PRNG used by the select, FWIW. I assume it simply 
>>>>>>>> calls into it (or likely `fastrandn` directly below) when entering a 
>>>>>>>> select with multiple available cases.
>>>>>>>>> We still want this to be fair. Could those having been served be 
>>>>>>>>> served again (before the others) after a reset of the distribution, 
>>>>>>>>> and this introduce a notion of unfairness?
>>>>>>>> It can definitely happen, but I'm not sure that "unfairness" is a 
>>>>>>>> meaningful term here. AIUI the process is "if the runtime enters a 
>>>>>>>> select and multiple cases are ready, it chooses one uniformly at 
>>>>>>>> random" (within the limits of the PRNG). Yes, as an outcome this can 
>>>>>>>> mean that one case is hit more often than the others. But all cases 
>>>>>>>> are equally likely to be hit more often. And by the law of large 
>>>>>>>> numbers, you'd expect the distribution to flatten over time.
>>>>>>>>>  (I gues that jamming is that only one client alone gets to the 
>>>>>>>>> server, whereas starving is that a client never gets to the server).
>>>>>>>> Both are statistically unlikely, if we assume the PRNG is reasonably 
>>>>>>>> good - which I think we can, it has been subjected to reasonable 
>>>>>>>> statistical tests.
>>>>>>>>> Øyvind
>>>>>>>>>> Ian 
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