On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 7:49 AM Manlio Perillo <manlio.peri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In a program I want to read a password from the terminal, using 
> golang.org/x/term.
> The problem is that there is a possibility that a signal is sent to the 
> program, resulting in the terminal state not being restored:
> https://play.golang.org/p/4IjLve9gDx0
> In case of term.ReadPassword, on Linux I noted that ECHO is restored, but 
> let's ignore it.
> What I tried to do was to ttemporarily block the signals, using signal.Ignore 
> and signal.Reset; the problem is that Reset doesn't reset ignored signals.
> Looking at the runtime code, Go only use SIG_DFL in special cases.
> Is there a reason why Reset don't reset ignore signals?  Portability?
> Is there a simple, portable way, to do what I want?

I thought that signal.Reset would reset a signal ignored by
signal.Ignore.  What happens when you try it?

In any case I don't see why your program wants to ignore signals.  It
seems better to catch the signal, restore the terminal, and exit.


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