Sorry for a mistake: 'hyperthread closed', hyperthread is actually on.

在2021年6月22日星期二 UTC+8 下午10:01:48<Peter Z> 写道:

> I just checked the monitor data and found that the machine suffered from 
> high 'load average'(about 30+) at approximately the time the agent get 
> stuck.
> A 24 cores(2 CPUs * 14 cores), hyperthread closed machine with load 
> average over 30 seems bad. But after the load average got down to below 1, 
> the 
> agent process still hung there.
> 2021-6-22 Tue UTC+8 pm 8:06:55<> :
>> Sorry, now I am completely confused. 
>> So, you have about 500,000 *processes *running this agent on each 
>>>> machine, and each process has around 7,000 gorouines? Is that correct?
>>> Yes, that's  exactly what I mean. 
>> but then you say:  "Only one process per machine".
>> Is there a language barrier, or am I missing something?

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