Hi Kurtis,

Thank you for your input. 

I am searching how do languages handle stack overflow. Languages like rust, 
handle this by catching SIGSEGV. In golang, as I found, it was handled by 
increasing the stack[1], [2] (Sorry if my terms are wrong). I have 
generated object dump(objdump -d) for go source code (just a function call) 
I can see that at the beginning of every function call it checks for the 
stack overflow and try to increase the stack(see //go:nosplit section of 
[2]). I am lloking how does gollvm handle this. 

*00000000004871a0 <main.foo>:*
*  4871a0: 64 48 8b 0c 25 f8 ff mov    %fs:0xfffffffffffffff8,%rcx*
*  4871a7: ff ff *
*  4871a9: 48 8d 44 24 f8        lea    -0x8(%rsp),%rax*
*  4871ae: 48 3b 41 10                  cmp    0x10(%rcx),%rax*
*  4871b2: 0f 86 e1 00 00 00    jbe    487299 <main.foo+0xf9>*
*                                                ........*
*  487299: e8 62 80 fc ff                callq  44f300 
*  48729e: e9 fd fe ff ff                jmpq   4871a0 <main.foo>*

[2]: https://dave.cheney.net/2018/01/08/gos-hidden-pragmas
On Thursday, 24 June 2021 at 08:17:33 UTC+5:30 Kurtis Rader wrote:

> This might be an XY Problem <https://xyproblem.info/>, or your question 
> simply needs more context. Your sample program is an example of infinite 
> recursion. How that is detected is platform specific. It might be done via 
> a special signal. Or it might be done by a syscall to grow the stack 
> returning an error. So my question is, why are you asking how infinite 
> recursion is handled?
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2021 at 7:33 PM Kavindu Gimhan Zoysa <kavin...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> *package main*
>> *func main() {*
>> * foo()*
>> *}*
>> *func foo() {*
>> * a := 5*
>> * _ = a*
>> * foo()*
>> *}*
>> I have generated the below llvm ir using the command `./bin/llvm-goc -S 
>> test.go -dump-ir`. I expected there are some llvm intrinsics that have been 
>> used to handle stack overflow. But it is not there. How does gollvm handle 
>> stackoverflow?
>> *define void @main.main(i8* nest %nest.0) #0 !dbg !14 {*
>> *entry:*
>> *  call void @main.foo(i8* nest undef), !dbg !15*
>> *  ret void*
>> *}*
>> *define void @main.foo(i8* nest %nest.1) #0 !dbg !16 {*
>> *entry:*
>> *  %a = alloca i64, align 8*
>> *  %0 = bitcast i64* %a to i8**
>> *  call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* %0)*
>> *  store i64 5, i64* %a, align 8*
>> *  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i64* %a, metadata !17, metadata 
>> !DIExpression()), !dbg !20*
>> *  %a.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %a, align 8, !dbg !21*
>> *  call void @main.foo(i8* nest undef), !dbg !22*
>> *  %1 = bitcast i64* %a to i8**
>> *  call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* %1)*
>> *  ret void*
>> *}*
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Kurtis Rader
> Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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