Dnia 2021-07-28, o godz. 19:42:05
Kurtis Rader <kra...@skepticism.us> napisaƂ(a):

> [...] I too am mildly annoyed by [Tapir Liu] questions. 

As I was a few years ago. But let's do Tapir Liu justice: he posted a good 
online [https://go101.org] and he updates it as his knowledge grows.
Also his stubborn picking at the tiny bits of the language (and community 
to his drilling) not once gave me that a-ha moment revealing that things I 
POGos really aren't. As annoying his adventures are, he does a favor to the 
Both to novices (with his manual) and to the ol' Gophers too, taming their 
(my!) self-assurance.

> the Go community isn't your private unpaid

He has paid us to the bit with his go101.org manual.
I often recommend it as the "second view" docs. (Second to the official site).

PS. @TapirLiu:
> every time you start one of these threads you omit important facts.

This stands! You often post too soon. Please remember that this is MAILING
list that just happens to have web interface. You do often "thinkk in loud" and 
I see an
inflow of messages to my mailbox. 
Just let your question grow for a while before you post, will you?:)


Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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